A time of day I am thankful for
I can tell you.
It's not anywhere between 5-8 pm.
I hate those hours.
It's not 2 am when Sienna wakes up.
Or 4:30 am when she wakes up again
OR 5:45 am when she wakes up for the day.
It's about 6:45 am
That's when the rest of the family joins me and Sienna out in the living room reading books, watching Channel 2 news, and sharing a banana.
When none of us have had the chance to be moody, or overwhelmed, stressed, busy, or late.
My house is still clean from the day before.
Tatum lays quietly, wrapped up in her down comforter, contemplating clothing and lunch options.
Jack's doesn't loaf around much. He loves to wake up and run straight to his train table.
I assume he has been dreaming about new ways to play with them all night.
Sienna's eyes are sparkly and a little sleepy. Her eyelashes are usually crimped because she sleeps like a stink bug, and that squishes her cheek up into her eye.
She is always magical in the mornings.
Ryan wiggles his toes as he wakes up, and it takes awhile before he is in full Ryan force.
We are all contemplating our day in one way or another.
6:45 am.
It's a new day.
It is completely untouched.
It's quiet, and peaceful, and lovely.
I am extremely thankful for 6:45 am
Because at 7,
all hell breaks loose.
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