Wednesday, October 26, 2011

JackJack Picture Spread

Day 2 of consistently blogging.
This is generally where I lose speed. 

Hopefully, for the love of my family and preservation of these precious years
I will prevail.
I will!  I will!

Here's a run down of JackJack (yes 2 Jacks.  One just wont do.)
Sweet lil 4 months
Best lookin Speedo at the Legacy Center. 
Ask anybody.
I kid, I kid.  This is the underthingy that babies have to wear
Isn't that funny though?  
Don't think for one second that it didn't cross my mind to just hang out like this though.
Loves sunglasses.
Like he had a choice.
He didn't know where his face was at this point in life.
Being able to hold his own hands was something worth calling home about.
So cute though.
He clearly loved prunes.
Swollen crying little eyes and a massacre of prune flings everywhere.
He totally loved em.
If a binki, toys, baba, blankey, dora, bouncer, swing, or mickey mouse club house fail
take the kid outside and get him naked.
Works 100 percent of the time.
Sometimes you can leave him clothed.
Carrots were also a huge success
So, the next few pictures make me laugh my head off.
JackJack got teeth early.  Around 4 months he got his first.
And they TRIP him out.  
He is constantly grinding and chewing.
That's what hes doing here.  
Trying to figure out how the H to get these little teefers to the back of hims mouth so he can swallow em

Sweet little morning face
waiting for his oatmeal.
uh.  love this.
Lovin Dada
Big ol teefers.
I guess those would bug me if they all the sudden popped up in my mouth.
waiting for sisser to dance at the football game.
JackJack is so cute here
But lets be honest, I threw this one up because I like the side of my hair do.
That doesn't happen often.
Goll.  My eyebrows could have used a comb ran through them though.
Giants gear, and a coug blankey.  
Makin dada proud.
I don't know if you guys can tell
but this face is very clearly saying
"MOM!  I am sick of volleyball.  Take me home.
I'm about to freak my freak!"
Is that clear to anyone else?
Now this picture is also screaming at me.
It is saying, orthodontist bill.
This picture has a very sad story.
You might be thinking
"okay April enough with the food faces"
but really, this is JackJacks first bad owie.
That is blood all over his face and onesie.
We were playing on the floor and he was crawling up my head, using my nose as a hand grip.
Well, noses are not to sturdy, so when mine gave way, he slipped and our big horse mouths bonked
each other.  We hit so hard that I thought I had lost a tooth.
His little mouth exploded in blood.  
I am not the best in emergency situations (you may not consider that an emergency.  I do)
So, I just picked him up, and ran back to our room as fast as I could, threw him at Ryan
and told him to fix it.  He gave JJ a wet washrag to suck on, and within minutes seconds
all was well.  Well, except for me.  I was still crying and shaking a little.

This little JackJack is a brute.  Since that picture (about a 2 weeks ago) 
He has hit his head one zillion times
Popped a huge helium balloon right in his face 
and almost fell down the stairs.
Having a quick mobile baby is rocket science to me.
I'm a slow baby learner.
Sorry babyjack.

Welp, see ya later.


  1. I am so happy you are blogging. even if no one else cares. I DO!! and that's all that matters. So thanks sissy pants. I miss my kids. love ya

  2. ape!!! I love little Jack!! Thank you for blogging I love it and you say the funniest things ever.... ps I only blog so much because I turned off cable!!!

  3. Little Jack is so cute! Glad you blogged, we try and keep tabs on ya down here!

  4. The pics are sooooo....cute! And don't worry there are stories I could tell you that I did to Zoey mostly not sure why maybe because she was my first I don't know. But I was an abuser I thought with all the crap I ended up causing my poor child. LOL She is ok now though right? Jack Jack is such a happy baby in the time since he was born I have yet to see him sad. He is always smiling so I know for a fact you are doing things right. ;) Sorry the boo, boo happened though I hope he feels better asap and you do too. LOL


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