Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tater Skater Catch Up.

So, remember when I used to blog semi consistently?
That was fun huh.
I really am going to catch up..
And keep going..
I swear, I cannot keep up with anything I start.
I really need to start washing my face. 
I never have. Never in my life.
 I'm getting wrinkles, hyper pigmentation, and all around sagginess.  Its not good.
So, in hopes of trying to force myself to do this, 
I bought a very expensive Oprah recommended skin care line.  Don't tell Ryan.  
I figured if I spent a lot of my secret money on it, I would make myself use it.
Here are some other things I have started and gave up on.
Taking a picture of Jack every Tuesday.
Taking pictures period.
A photo class
A 6 week boot camp class
4 diets
2 infant sleep books
Daily affirmations
Growing my hair out
Not yelling anymore.
Putting make up on every day
Not wearing sweats so often
Folding laundry as it comes out of the dryer
Hanging up clothes when I take them off..instead of throwing them on the floor...
.....ugh...such ugly habits....
4 letter words.
Reading on a kindle
Quitting real house wives of 
New York, Orange County, New Jersey, Beverly Hills & Atlanta.
Easing up on self depreciating comments.
And then some..
I cant do it.  I just cant follow through on any of these things.

So, enough about me, and my dirtbag ways.  
Let's see what Tatum has been up to....
Fox Hollow Dance Festival

Painting at Color Me Mine
Our new favorite place.  Highly recommended!
Kicking all the boy booty during summer swim lessons
First day of school buffet in bed
First day of school Pedi.
First day of Fourth Grade..
Where did my baby go?
Practicing(ish) Piano..
On a keyboard...
That only fits in her closet..
Don't ask.
Tate and Jaggar dressed in 80's garb to perform at 
Lehi high's football half time. 
Tate is extremely tall.. Jaggar is extremely short.
It's cute.
They are cute.
And again
Tate serving a tourney winning point!
Tate and Ryllie.. Tournament winners!
Tate and Kylie chest bumping.
And after all of that, she still finds time to help with her baby brother.
Who loves her more than he loves me, ryan, baba's, and puppies all put together.
True Story.

Let's see if I can follow up tomorrow with a JackJack catch up.
Here's hopin..

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is so, so cute!!! :D Love all the pics. You are such a great and awesome mommy. And btw you are totally on your own with the real house wives. They drive me nuts!! ;)


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