The last week in September me, my mom, my husb, my sisser, my bonus pa, my baby, and my baby in my belly, went to Hawaii. To be honest, we didn't do a whole much besides enjoy the beauty, relax, swim, sun, and shop. Ry, Tate, Mir and Myself went to Oahu just last year. My mom and Steve visited a couple of years ago. Between the 6 of us, we had blown 2k trying to fulfill our tourist obligations.
This time, we just relaxed and enjoyed the best of that lovely island...
That is the way to do Oahu in my opinion.
My cute fam.
Poor Ryan had the worst sinus infection, cough and runny nose on our way there.
Being on an airplane for 6 hours is not fun when those guys are bugging ya.
See me and happy Tate. Happy.
Ry, not as giddy..
I forgot to say this at first, but there are aaalllloott of pictures in this post.
I forgot to say this at first, but there are aaalllloott of pictures in this post.
I always notice that people apologize for that, but pictures are my favorite part of any blog..
I don't think I would read blogs without pictures.
Then it would just be a newspaper.
So, I was going to apologize for that, but I just talked myself out of it.
Not sorry. Enjoy my pictures.
And my internal dialog.
The time change in Hawaii is brutal for yittle girls. The night we got to Hawaii we drove straight to the Hawaiian Hilton in Waikiki. Highly recommended.
Everyone else went downstairs for dinner.
Me and Tate were done. We went straight to bed.
Ry couldn't even wake us up to eat the pizza he had brought us from the restaurant.
The picture above is Tate eating said pizza when she woke up the next morning. At 4:43.
We didn't ever really adjust. We just kind of stayed on Utah time.
Which meant we were asleep by about 8 every night that we were there. It was funny.
There are some pics of us on the beach in Waikiki that first day we were there, however, the above picture is the only one that will be appearing here. You see, I had decided it was time for me to transition to a tankini. I bought one the beginning of July but didn't really wear it this summer, with me being so busy dying on my couch and all.. So, I busted it out in Hawaii. And I will just say. I will die fat in a bikini before I EVER wear a tankini again. Either that or maybe I bought the wrong tankini.. Either way, it will take awhile for me to recover from seeing myself in those pictures. I sometimes have the hardest time wrapping my head around the fact that I am not 19 anymore.. Ahh.. 19. That was a good year for me and my body... Does anyone else have that problem?
Anyways. Seriously. Those pictures better never see the light of day. MIRANDA!
Gosh.. I'm long winded. So one morning while we were out on our lanai we saw this ship pulling into the marina. IT WAS THE BLACK PEARL! NO FREAKING KIDDING! We ran as fast as we could (thats a lie, we walked and sometimes jogged) across the weird field thingy to see it. It was awesome. The detail on the boat was amazing. It really was so cool. So so cool. It was really the real live black pearl. They had just finished filming the last Pirates of the Caribbean movie, and I guess The Black Pearl lives in the Ko Olina Marina. Lucky us.
Here is Tate and Grandpa and Ry playing in the pool.
Grandpa would throw Tate in the air, and Ry would throw the football up, and Tatum would catch it.
Poor Tate doesn't have any brothers and sisters to play with when we go on vacation.
Its actually pretty sucky sometimes.
She is lucky to have really fun family that enjoys playing with her so much.
If anyone says they have a hotter Grandma than Tatum has, they are lying.
Famous Giovannis shrimp truck.
Gave everyone gas and a belly ache. Glad I didn't touch the crap.
Ryan brought head lamps to Hawaii. If you know Ryan, that doesn't surprise you.
We don't leave home without headlamps.
They almost always come in handy.
They almost always come in handy.
In this particular case Ryan wanted to take Tatum and Steven to find sand crabs.
They did find some. Tatum really looks like she loved finding them.
She is exactly the kind of gal that loves things with creepy, wiggly, pinchy legs.
One other thing about Tatum. She DOES NOT break rules.
Really. She doesn't.
So, when Grandpa pulled her in to the decorative pond/waterfall for a late night swim,
she didn't take well to that.
Boys night out are not for this girl.
She was much happier to be back home with us.
On the fold out couch
With a Shirley temple
With a Shirley temple
Watching Greys Anatomy
We did do one touristish thing. We went on a catamaran boat to go snorkel, and see dolphins. We did snorkel. Tate even tried her hand at it. We saw some cool fish for just a second, but it was in deep water, and the waves were really wavy. It was to hard to hold on to her, and keep us close to the boat. And I thought we might both die. Despite our very floaty life jackets. She didn't dig it much anyways.
It kind of creeped her out. So she went back on the boat with Grandma. We didnt see dolphins. They lied.
My little Tatum is so freaking cute huh? See The Black Pearl behind her?
The really mean/scary/bossy captain called Tatum up blow the conch shell. Its really neat when your kids get to do neat little things like this. It makes them feel special, and makes for a good memory.
The reason why it sssuuuuccckksss to share a bed with little Teeetum.
Tatum. Cute little Tatum
Parents. Cute little parents
I feel like this photo is Christmas card material
Tatum was mad in this picture. It had to do with a snickers bar, and me being immature.
Just so everyone knows, it sucks to go to Hawaii with skinny cute little Mir. She is a babe.
Our last night in Hawaii we met up with my Aunt Lori (my dads sister) who lives there, for dinner. It was great food, beautiful view, and good to catch up with my auntie and cousin. A perfect way to end our trip!
Oh, and look!! I'm a photographer!
Secret: Its super easy to be a photographer in Hawaii.
Loved this post April. You're really cute and still really skinny looking so don't worry! I would love to hang out with you and your family one day. Let's maybe hangout when I'm in Utah in 2 weeks? P.S. I really like blogs with lots of pictures too.
ReplyDeleteHawaii looks amazing and I am totally jealous! How fun are you guys and what a trooper you are! The last time I was in Hawaii I was pregnant too. There are a lot of cool things about being pregnant but wearing a swimming suit is not one of them. I'm sure you looked gorgeous as ever.