Holler! I am back! I realize its September but ya know what, don't judge me. Because at least I can admit that I am a blogger slacker/loser amongst the millions of things that I have been slacking/loosering on this summer. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery. So ill bet I am well on my way to excellence. Ill let you know...
So in the month of June we had some big changes. First of all Tatum was out of school as of the last day of May, so I needed a bb sitter. My little sister Taylor came to live with us for the month of June. We had a great time with her. She is so fun with Tatum. I have never seen a teenage girl take so much time to make a little girl feel special. They really love each other so much. Tatum really loves her so much. It makes Miranda mad. :)
But the thing of it is, nobody in this world will dress up with Tatum as super heroes and make up skits and songs with her all day.
Here they are.
Taylor dressed in my liquid leggins, swim suit bottoms, rain boots, and a towel.
Tatum dressed in leggins, unders, and actually very fashionable winter boots.. and a towel.
You should know the towels are held around their necks with scrunchis.
So cute.
The last weekend Taylor was with us, we took a little vaycay to the Park City/Heber area.
These pictures are out of order, but every time I try to move pictures the blogger gods get pissed and screw up my whole post. So just bare with me here.
On our way home from our vaycay on Sunday we stopped in Park City for the farmers market there. Its called Park Silly Sunday and is the funnest thing. They close off main street in PC and local vendors set up their junk. I love vendor junk. I bought some secret sauce to make salsa and cheese. I love farmers market cheese also. Which just reminded me that it is still sitting in the cheese drawer untouched. I'm going to go get it now.
Tate and Tay got their faces painted..
On the secret path that we found from Heber to PC
These are secret path pictures.
Zermatt also has a lovely little gelato shop. We love this place! If tate is in a funk, this is where cute little Ryan brings her to help make her happy again. This girl love gelato. Really loves it.
This is the quiet room outside of the spa. Its is mine and Tates favorite place. They have delicious lemon water, fresh fruit, spa music, and comfy chairs to read in.
Nobody was in the lovely quiet room this day. Just so you know. I dont let my child act like a weirdo in nice quiet rooms while other people watch.
Okay so some quick other things that happened in June..
I quit my job. My career. The one that fed me and Tatum and supported me for 5 years while I was a single mom. It was a GREAT gig with 3 weeks of paid vacation! What the?! I know I know, but sometime in the last year, Tatum begging me to be an "at home mom" has gotten to my heart. And sacrifices are worth it to spend the time with my daughter. I cant get this time back. I am almost half way done raising the girl! In the same amount of time that I have had her, I will be almost done with her. And she wont need me anymore. She will be at high school football games. Driving. Probably kissing boys. OMGosh. She better not be. I hope she is homely.
Anyways. I quit my job. It was a hard, good move.
Because on June 18 I found out I am pregnant.
JULY 1st thru 4th 2010
My sister Kasey got married in Lake Tahoe. It was such a beautiful trip. It was quick.
Flew in on Thursday July 1st and out on July 4th. I had never been and it is such a cool place. I wish we would have had more time to explore and hang out.
Kasey and Kris got married on a yhatish boat out on the water. Cool huh?
July 5th - August 5th
I puked and puked and laid on the couch and puked and didn't move and puked and cried a few times. Tatum watched TV. My little sister Devyn moved in with us. I puked some more.
Stephanie came and cleaned my house for me. Ryan got scared I think.
I puked.
August 5th-10th
Wiped my face off, took a shower and headed to Vegas for my families annual girl trip.
We had a great time. I felt good, got a little sun, did a little shopping, ate a little food.
We had a great time. I felt good, got a little sun, did a little shopping, ate a little food.
It was fun. And much needed.
August 10th - Present.
I am trying to get my life back on track. Oh I do not do well with change, and let me tell you, there has been a plethora of change around here.
Ive heard that being a stay at home mom takes about a year to adjust. A year is a long time. Its so different to not have anywhere to go or anything to do and not wear earrings.
And you know what else. Sometimes in July I would go to sleep in some comfy clothes and wear them the next day, and sleep in them again that night and then wear them again the day after that.
That is a change. And not a good one I tell ya!
We are making some improvements though.
My house is staying clean.
I am putting on make up,
and I even cook dinner!
No more popcorn for dinner around this house!!
(although i still don't wear earrings much)
Having Devyn around has been a fun change. She has been very helpful, and it has been fun getting to know her so much better. She is just an 18 year old little gal finding her place in the world. That is such a crazy time in every ones life, and I'm glad that we get to be a part!
That's about all for our summer. It went by fast but my gosh am I glad its over. I am so excited for fall, and holidays, and new life chapters! I will be keeping up so much better on this little bloggy of mine, and I will also improve on taking pictures! I suck at that!
I am glad to hear that I'm not the only one who wears the same clothes 2 days in a row :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the new little one. That is so exciting!
Yay you are back! I miss you. Just saying...I am glad that you are doing well and feeling so much better. I have to say that I have been worried about you missy. Please tell me that you are going to get to go to Miss Pants' and Mr. Pants' housewarming picnic?? Please please please! Tell Ryan hello. And you will be the best stay at home mommy ever...I know it.
ReplyDeleteGood heck - you crack me up! I hate the blogger picture uploader too. It also gets pissed at me. Congrats on the baby news - that is awesome!