Thank you for being so patient with us.
Thank you for loving us.
Thank you for letting us live in your beautiful house.
Thank you for letting us take over your beautiful house.
Thanks for taking care of us.
Thank you for making our life better.
Better than better. Really Good. Thank you for making our life really really good!
We love you!!
So, over Fathers day weekend, Tatum was obviously with her dad. So we were on a solo weekend. Ryan had mentioned that he really wanted to go camping earlier in the week... He hadn't mentioned it again for awhile, so I thought I was off the hook.. Don't get me wrong, I love to camp, but I am in a bit of a neurotic mode right now, and wanted to get our garage cleaned up. In fact I was kind of a bitty about staying home to get the garage cleaned up, until I remembered it was Fathers day weekend. Sometimes I really have to check myself to be a nice wifey because Ry so rarely throws any kind of a fit about things. Its really nice..
Oh, so anyways, that would be really rude to make Ry clean the garage on Fathers day instead of doing what he wanted to huh?
So we did, we camped. Just the two of us. It was a really great time.
We went to our favorite spot up Spanish Fork Canyon canyon. Diamond Fork.
The picture below shows the how beautiful it is there!

Ryan told Tatum that giants used to live up this canyon, and then they all got in a fight with eachother and killed each other and that their blood stained the mountains red. Red mountains in southern Utah are not such a big deal, but at the time, Tatum had never seen such a thing. She totally bought it.
The canyon was packed when we headed up on Saturday morning and we were worried that we wouldn't be able to find a spot. That's when we remembered GoonieCamp. GoonieCamp is a little secret camp spot that is behind another camp spot. In fact, you have to practically drive through the obvious camp spot to get to GoonieCamp. Its just a little tiny clearing big enough for two people and their truck. Its right on the river. Cute.
So why is it called GoonieCamp you ask? Let me tell you why. Last summer we were camping with a group of our friends in the obvious camp spot. We were sitting around the campfire having a good ol time when ALL OF A SUDDEN, the goonie mom and her scary redfacedfrombeinganalcoholicfortolong boyfriend sneaked out of the bushes. Scared the begeezes right out of us. Seriously. You know, the mom off of the movie Goonies? The Goonie mom? She is freaky! Anyways my always social boyfriend invited them come and sit down for a smore. Really. He did. So they did. And they were wasted. And gooniemom kept breaking out in random old bar lady dance. And she did a little heiney grab to my husband. Sick. And then, just when we thought things couldnt get any worse, gooniemom told us that redfacedfrombeinganalcoholicfortolong had just gotten out of prision!!!!Ummmmmmm... For Manslaughter. Really. He killed the man that was sleeping with his wife. I couldnt make this shiz up. I promise you.
Well of course you would assume that the night couldn't get any worse? The goonie killing alcoholics were camping in our same space? Well, it did.. Again. Much worse in my opinion. So, Ryan offered them a bottle of water. Gooniemom took one and started oldladybardancing while trying to trickily finish the whole bottle. Well drunk dancing while downing water isnt a great combo I guess because she started choking her a off. Well we all know when you choke, you cough, and woof a bit, and maybe its a little unattractive. When you are gooniemom, it is verrrryyy unattractive. She literally blew out boogies the size of small kids from her mouth and nose. And then, she just very causually wiped them on her shirt. THE SIZE OF SMALL KIDS I SAY! I was gagging. I couldnt take it. I wanted these sickos to get the hell out of my camp! And she still stayed and danced around for another 15 minutes with all sorts of substances coming from every face hole that she had! It was traumatizing. Really it was.
BUT the silver lining here, is that they showed us of GoonieCamp. So we were able to have a stellar camp spot last weekend! So now it is GooniePondCamp. We like it there. Even though I am certain that there is a moose living in the bushes around there. It is still cozy.
On Friday when we got there we went fly fishin. I haven't been for a couple of years, but was pretty impressed with my presentation. My cast is a little bit to write home about. I think I smell a talent coming on here! And while I never have an probably never will be able to land one of those slippery little suckers, we still had a great time. There is nothing Ryan would rather do than fly fish (with me i bet). So I was glad to do something that he enjoyed on his special weekend. The only thing that was a baby bit sucky was that here was the most atrocious hatch that had just happened and there were on bajillion bugs flying on the river. I ate two, and found 15 in my hair when we were done.
Oh, and Ryan hooked me in the ear with a fly. I was a big girl though. I didn't even cry, even though it still hurts as I type this. He felt really bad. Really bad! You know how if someone accidentally elbows/hits/slaps you in the face and it instantly makes you feel so angry that you want to deck them back even though you KNOW it was an absolute accident? Same thing when you get caught in the ear cartilage by a fly hook. In case you were wondering...

Hottest fisherman this side of the world. What a babe.
When we got Tate back on Sunday night the two of us gave Ryan a killer fathers day present. Probably the best one that has even been given.. But its our little secret. Sorry. :)
Oh ya, and then we went to Toy Story 3 because I have been dying for that little guy to hit theatres.
That's all.
Oh wait!! Plus, Happy Fathers Day to these guys
My Pa who is the most unselfish, loving, sweet, cant talk about his kids without tearing up, man I know!
My Bonus Pa who is a total mush ball of craziness and hilarity
I sure love them both quite a bit..
Oh and my Pa in Law. Ha. That rhymed! I am quite fond of him. He is a lovable, stern, hardworking man that has raised 5 great men! I am so grateful that I was able to land one of them.
Oh, And Tatums dad!! Because without him, I wouldn't have her! Plus, hes an alright daddio!
Oh.. Ps.. Sorry my blogs are so long all of the time.
And to tatum's pa. cus without him she wouldn't be here!! GOONIE CAMP! bahahahhaha.. she's not kidding about the size of the boogies.. I was there!
ReplyDeleteApril you totally crack me up. I love reading your posts! So sometime in the last few months I missed your post on your little Tatum's heart apt. Then I read it and was totally surprised that my little one has a VSD too. I knew your girl had heart issues and that you had dealt with similar stuff but I didn't know they were the same. My little peanut had three holes closed up but they left the VSD because it looked like it was closing on its own. So now our girls are twinners!