Sometimes I'm a little dramatic.. We did do a few things in the month of July besides puke and watch TV.
Tate was a wolf in the city play of The Jungle Book.
She didn't have a speaking part, but lots of dancing, and singing, and jumping around.
It was really fun.
She did soooo great!
Especially for this being her first play, and for being the shy little thing that she is!
This was her opening night. Ryan brought her flowers.
Good thing too because she sure expected them.
Our slightly skewed family photo.
Let me tell you something.
Getting along with an ex is sooo much easier than fighting all of the time.
Tatum is such a well adjusted little girl because she has so many parents that love her, and take good care of her. Eric and Ryan get along so well, and I'm certain that me and Hayley would be best friends if she wasn't married to Eric. We have a lot in common.
Hayley also has an awesome family that is very loving and helpful with Tatum.
In fact, the day after this photo was taken, I was at Tates play alone when my stomach reeaaallly started churning. Mind you, I was still sooo sick, but couldn't bare to miss one of her performances.. Anyways, the play hadn't started yet and I knew I was gonna blow chunks
(more like pasta roni primavera noodles) (white ones with lots of sauce)
I'm sorry, but puking in a port a potty will neeevvveerr be an option to me.
So, I was trying to run for some trees, didn't quite make it, puked in my hands, hair, clothes, and toes. And then kind of fell down in some dirt (just for some icing on my cake)
while I finished hurling.
Ah lovely.
I had no idea what the freak I was going to do. I was covered in dirt and noodles with nowhere to go to try to clean myself without scaring little kids. When I stood up Stormi (Hayley's sister in law) was there with a bottle of water and helped clean me up!!
I would be hard pressed to do that for my own sister.
Let alone my husbands, sisters, husbands, ex wife.
Really. They are a good family.
So, did you like how I took this post about Tatum being in a play and made it about poor me?
I didn't mean to.
So anyways, Tate really loved being in this play, and in October will start a 6 month long work shop that will help her to develop her
stage e ness.
At the end of the workshop she will be the play of Alice in Wonderland.
I think it will be fun for her.
In the meantime she had her first volleyball game on Saturday and did really well!!
She was soo nervous and thought she really sucked.
Turns out she was only 1 of 3 girls that could even serve it over the net.
She made 4 or 5 points
We were all super proud!!
3rd grade volleyball is intense.
She will also be starting guitar lessons soon.
I know that seems like a lot for a little girl, but it really gives her a sense of pride to keep busy.
Okay? Its her idea not mine! Okay?
This was just precious! I just love you guys. We are all so lucky and we would totally be friends even if I hadn't met Eric.:)