Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A photo a week of my kids week 13 thru present..

Dear Babies,
Mommy here. 
I just want you to know, that although I have yet to actually achieve any one goal I have ever set..
I still feel ahead of the game because I am thoughtful of goals, and at least I set them.
So.  Never stop setting goals.  Any of ya. 
One of these days.
One of these days I tell ya.  
It's all going to happen for dear old mom.  I am going to achieve some goals.
And anyways, one of my big goals is to be all..
"I'm 33 and I am the best version of myself I have ever been!  I am physically fit, organized, on time, patient, and that $100 skin cream that I am buying has really paid off since using it EVERY NIGHT!!
33 is the new 23 and I am loving it!"
And you guys will be so proud of me.  
It will be fun for all of us! 
Since we have awhile until I'm 33.. Ill just catch you up a little on what has been going on in your lives.

Please stop.
Your beauty and maturity kills me. 
I am so enjoying watching you grow into a young woman.
And so not at the very same time.


Taylor Swift look alike contest at her concert.
Stop it!


Sleeping out  on the deck with Lettie 
4th of July

Tumbling Intensives

I love you Tatum Kay. 
You impress me every single day with new parts of yourself.
Thanks for being mine.

Meaning: Pure pure joy.  Cutest of all the cute things ever: Lover of family: Crier of strangers
Owner of two teefs and crawling, climbing legs.
Eater of mirrors: Patient of landing textures. (i.e.grass, sand, hardwood)
Kisser extraordinaire. 

(Newborn tutu)  A little snug

Sienna Geniel.
You have blessed our family with your beauty and calmness more than any of us thought possible.
Thank you.

Oh my baby Jack.
Pictures say a thousand words..
We will just stick with that.

(scary part on Despicable Me)

Shopping cart car and doughnut.
2 all time FAVORITES!!

First movie with mommy and daddy
Despicable Me 2
We made it 3/4 of the way.
Daddy and I were totally impressed!
No crying!! Haircut!! 
Good boy!

Thanks for adding so much JackJack to our lives.
What on earth would we do without you.
I love you so so much!

And.. Just since it's been so long.. 
Here are some bonus features to get you through until the next time I blog.


Love you babies! 

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