I think I'll make it an outside joke now. If she blogged on her own blog then she could tell you about this.. But she doesn't. So I will.
Jeni and her husband Josh tried for almost 3 years to have a baby. They went through hell and back, to Vegas and back, and then hell and back some more.
Tracking, charting, shots, tears, disappointments, set backs, blood work, surgeries, more tears, more shots, and more trips to Vegas.. Then finally, they were pregnant. Through the magic of invetro fertilization, they were finally pregnant. Last June they were blessed with a beautiful baby girl.
Peyton K. Nelson.
She is an absolute sweet pea! 

Peyton is now 11 months old. She is the cutest, blue eyed, white haired, wild little munchkin you have ever laid eyes on. Her hair falls half way down her back, and she never learned how to cry. It is the darndest thing. I guess since it took so much out of them to have her, she came as an easy little baby. Josh Jeni, and Makenna love her. Lots and lots. She is the center of their universe, and worth every bit of work that was put in to getting her here.
Jenilee is pregnant again.
Buy one get one free I guess.
God is good.
Anyways, enough about someone else.
This is my blog.
Here are some shots from Easter. I figure I will get around to posting about TATUMS BAPTISM!! and mothers day sometime in June.
Stand by.
Here is Tate doing her Easter scavenger hunt. Eric had her for Easter this year, so on Saturday morning I did a little Easter egg scavenger hunt, to her little Easter surprise. It was fun.
Stupid 8ball was there too.
(p.s. cat lovers.. Kelly Mae and Regan.. I sort of like this cat, I don't want anyone else to have him, I just don't want him to bother my stuff, and get his hair on me anymore. Also he made my new beautiful basement smell like kitty pee and poo. That bugs me. But I don't kick him or anything.)
I was proud. Ryan and Tate thought I was weird.
My little Tater Skater is a chocolate lover of the grandest kind. She looovves when big huge chocolate shaped stuff comes out this (that) time of year.
8ball likes stupid things like tissue paper.
The night before, we had some friends from our neighborhood come over. Carrie and Greg Christensen. Their little boy Nate is one of Tatum's besties. They have been in the same class since Kindergarten. They protect eachother. Tatum is going to be one of "those girls" that gets along with boys better than girls. That's okay with me. Hopefully it will mean that she cries less than I did when I was growing up. Girls are such jerks sometimes.
Carrie is the relief society president in our ward. I know, I know, I am a name dropper.
Anyways, we had a great time BBQing, coloring eggs, and decorating cookes.
I promise Ryan does live here. He just likes being behind the camera. :)
Tates Tie Die egg..
I'm going to be better at that I think.
So, sometime int he last 6 or so weeks, Tatum had her cardiology check up. Tate has two holes in her heart. They are called this.. A ventricular Septal defect (I think this is the common one) and a patent foramen ovale (not as common) When she was a little tot it caused her some problems. She had major fluid in her lungs from the holes, and had to be on a diuretic for the first year of her life. Watching her little tiny body breath was so sad. Her whole chest would concave like she was gasping for air. It was heartbreaking. She also had a really big heart because it was working so hard to keep her little body functioning. We used to meet with the Dr. Day every 6 months, but as she got older, we were able to stretch it to every year, every 2 years, and now every 3 years. Tatum has always grown so big and been so healthy that there has never been much of a concern about the holes. Thank goodness. That is such a stressful situation when your child has a major illness.
My heart very genuinely goes out to those that have to endure these trials.
That is the worst trial I can imagine. Any pain you ever feel yourself does not come close the pain you feel watching your child suffer. Really.
Here is little Tate getting an echocardiogram at 7:30 in the morning.
Lucky for us it was pajama day at school that day, so she was able to be super comf.
Tate and Dr Day. We love him. He has been her doctor since she was 3 weeks old, and is always so great to us. He has said that at this time, we don't have to consider surgery as an option.
As she gets older, the odds of the holes closing go down. They have both gotten smaller, but will probably always be there. We will just have to keep an eye on them. As far as limited activity, he said the only thing he doesn't suggest she do is scuba dive. That is fine with me. You would have had to hog tie and sedate me to ever let her do that anyways. So that's A okay to this girl.
I sure love you!
Sunday Funday
Once upon a time my crazy beautiful friend Tiare came to hang out with us after church.
Tatum and Nate talked her into a basement party.
Below are the results.
What you need to know about this day is that Tiare made herself a life long best friend in Tate.
They sang.
They danced.
They somersaulted.
They made brownies.
They bonded.
And when all was said and done Nate said
"Ive never seen a full grown woman act like that before"
Well Nate, that's because there are not many full grown woman like this Tiare Naluai Harline.
Her little Layla is one lucky little girl. She is a fun mommy friend!
There Jeni, have you gotten your fix? Love ya!
The coolaid mustaches are so money. I love those shots.
ReplyDeleteNice catch up! Tatum is such a pretty girl, seriously. So tall and glamorous. I am totally the same way with holidays, I'm almost certain piper doesn't even know who Jesus is. That's not good.