Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Remember that day?

I think it was about a week ago. I had given a rundown on how my evening should go. I have been specifically remembering this night until I had a second to blog about it, because it is so typical of how my nights go. Please know that what you are about to hear (read) is true. If there were names to be changed to protect the innocent, I would do that, but Tatum is used to my short comings, and Ryan doesn't read my blog to know or care one way or the other.... Don't get me started....
This is how my night actually went down. In case you have been on the edge of your seat for the last week...

5:00 Didn't want to go to the store... I was tired.
5:30 - Stephanie talked me into going on a ride with her to look at a house. This is not running.
6:00 - Made some Top Ramen - That's because I didn't go to the store. (See 5:00)
6:30 - Threw in some laundry
7:00 - Took off my fingernail polish, and put a clear coat on them.. However I did not get to my toes which I am now really regretting because on Monday, I had a certain doctors appointment. A doctors appointment that it sucks to have ugly toes at. That's all.
8:00 - Watched Hannah Montana with Tatum. It was the one that Lillie and Oliver lie to Miley about them being together. A real good one. I couldn't pull myself away to do some of the other things on my list.
8:45 - Got in bed with Tatum. Listened to her read for 20 minutes, and then promised her a 3 minute back tickle. After 2 minutes, we were both asleep.

6:45am - Woke up and remembered that I had laundry in the washer. Darn it.

P.S. Looks like Ryan wasn't in the post to change his innocent name anyhow. Stephanie's name was but she doesn't give a crap about anything.

Am I the only one thinking I am funny here with the name change thing?


  1. You are totally cracking me up! Mostly I loved a few posts ago when you said your boss might come in so you better quit blogging. I was laughing out loud.

  2. Ha ha...I love this! Totally my life. So much to many other things I'd rather do!


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