Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Cinnamon Came Back!!

And thank goodness she did!
She was all Tatum wanted for Christmas! 
It was all she could talk about, or think about starting at about Thanksgiving.
She was very worried that maybe she wouldn't show up.
I was confident she would, seeing as how Tate had been such an absolute angel while I have been so sick and pregnant.
All she could think about was the time at Del Taco when she murmured something sassy at worker through the window speaker.

Sure enough, she showed up.
Here are just a few of the funny things she pulled during her stay...

 One night she set out a picnic for herself and Tate
 Made a "winter wonderland" throughout our house.
Thanks Cinny.. 
Please don't mind the dust on top of my armoire.
Its gone now okay?
 And last, but not least.... 
She stole Ryan's truck, and took it to Maverick for doughnuts!!
What the?!
Tatum was more than panicked when she opened the front door and saw his truck parked all crazy in the drive way!

You see, I was at my pregnant wits end with Cinnamon's antics and cleaning up after her!! 
Tatum was worried that I was going to make her go home!

Don't you worry.
I didn't make Cinny go home.  I let her stay until Christmas Eve just like she had promised.
Cinnamon comes for the 12 days before Christmas.  
She brings so much magic and joy into our home for these 12 days.
The only draw back is that Christmas Eve is a serious double edged sword for my little princess.
Santa is coming and bringing toys, but he is taking Cinny.
It really makes Tatum a little chaotic.
We are hoping that once Cinnamon retires from making tea sets, she can come and live with us.
Here's hoping!

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